After a lot of comments, criticisms from my first blog am still alive to write my second blog...actually i had already written one which is in my draft folder but cudnt finish it...laziness, but it was raining all day...sounds silly, eh...this blog that am writing today was triggered by few of the comments from my friends...
try to reduce the dots (...) was one not sure why am using this dots, but i used to use it even while writing personal emails...may be it gives an impression of thoughts flowing from my head to hands to blogosphere...
creativity strikes me 2:30 am in the morning after i shut down my PC...i wud have published it earlier this mornin...series of thoughts popping up in my head early in the morning, was thinking how it would be if someone invented a thought reader to scan my thoughts and store it in my PC...i wake up the next morning or whenever i have time, make a couple of edits here & there...voila, i have it another blog...ur own thoughts in its purest form...may be someone has invented something like that already...otherwise it wud be nice to have a gadget like that...hmm, i wud like to own it before my enthusiasm for blogging dies...
one of my friend complaints that i deviate too much from what i intend to write...good comment...but what if that itself is how second generation blogosphere would look that instance, i started visualizing the future of blogs...
what if blogs are true expression of ones thoughts...wouldnt be good to explore one of ur close ones thoughts...let me walk u thru the future of blogosphere,
1) start thinking about something
2) think of the samething from an different view...and that something will mean different now...add more views till u realise that u have deviated a lot from what u had intended to think or blog initially...atleast thats how my eccentric brain works...
3) try to link ur chain of thoughts by links...weak & strong, strong indicating what u originally intended to convey and weak links indicating the other random thoughts that occured to u or that were hindering ur original thoughts...
4) now imagine the whole thing like a sphere, with the original thought in the centre and other thoughts connected to it and arranged in a spherical layout. It doesnt have to be spherical, just that it shdnt have any boundary like google maps...
5) and u have something what i wud like to call the thought-sphere which is nothing less than the reflection of ur brain...anybody can start from any thought and follow the links (strong or weak) and read the chain of thoughts and still would be able make sense out of it...
isnt that wonderful...i feel like am going to revolutionize this blog world...for those who understood this concept, ur comments are welcome...wait, there is planning todo a picture about this keep checking my blog now & then...
P.S - Shd i file a patent for this? i even have few names for the concept thoughtsphere, brainpuke